Thursday, March 10, 2011

Guest post at Fields of Gold

On Friday and Saturday, I am very honored to be guest posting on Samantha Reed's blog, Fields of Gold.

She is doing this AMAZING series on jumping off the "negative thought train". So if you are ready to take a leap of the train, hop on over to her blog! I know you will be blessed by the entire negative thought train series. Sam's words always pierce my soul to the core. Her blog is one of my absolute favorite places to rest my weary head.

Blessings, and hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!!


  1. Hey Steph - I will go check her out. Sounds like an awesome series.
    I hope we get to meet at She speaks, wouldn't that be just crazy? if we all got to meet there. Maybe we should make it a "thing"? you and how are you?

  2. Thanks so much for sharing about your posts Steph! I truly hope and pray the healing Jesus offers through your words will touch many!

    Thanks for being a safe place to land!

    xoxo, Sam

  3. Tiff, I hope we do too!!!!! We should make it a "thing" LOL! Sam, thank you for allowing me the awesome opportunity!!!

  4. I loved your post and hearing more of your story. We may have different experiences, but I know we all can learn from each other's trials.
