Monday, April 25, 2011

Meditations on a greyish morning...

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” Psalm 19:1

Grey clouds surround me. I am enamored by the weight of presence. The movement in the skies. What must the clouds must be thinking…

They shuffle along quickly. A storm will come to pass. Bubbling and brewing, making movement for their God.

Life moves quickly, as they pass through one phase to another. Some disappearing into a vapory mist. Some building tumultuous storms. Some simply stand still in white puffy happiness.

An opening appears.

Pure blue, only a glimpse through dull greyness. They separate to allow emptiness between themselves. A brief glimpse of the heavens amidst the dawning of the storm.

A way is made through the clouds to follow light. I desperately linger among the bitterness unsure if I should go. But the opening begins to fade, so I decide I must.

Stepping through to the other side I find my Savior’s hand to guide me along. Hesitant, I see.


  1. This is like a poem stephanie! so beautiful, sweet, true...and to go through that opening...those few but oh-so-hard steps. Proud of you:) hugs:)

  2. It takes faith, at times, to see God's hand in the grayness of life. This is beautifully portrayed.

