Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th!!!

Happy 4th of July weekend! Those whom Christ has set free, are free indeed! What a gift we have that not only are we able to worship God freely in our country, yet we are also afforded the ultimate freedom from any bondage that would hold us captive through Christ. Yes, we have a great freedom to celebrate!!!!

Yesterday as I was sitting having my morning coffee and bible time, God gave me my own little message about freedom. When I went through Breaking Free, I really was able to hand some of my junk over to God, and break free of some bondage. I truly believe that he unlocked some of the past chains that bound my heart and kept me from living in freedom. He unlocked them, yet I still kind of liked my chains, they had become a part of me! So I think I have kind of sat in the pile of bondage, even though no longer chained to it, just kind of sat there among the chains, looking at them, afraid to get up and walk.

So…the message for me this 4th of July…is to get up and walk in freedom and joy. He can unlock the chains, but he will not force me to get up and walk. That is my choice. Get up, and if I like bondage so much, chain myself to Him. Tie myself onto him as close as I can!!! He forgave my sins a long time ago, I am the only one who still condemns myself, I can beat myself up as long as I choose to, but the moment I stand up and accept the forgiveness, once and for all, I can’t help but be joyful and sing! So on this 4th, getting up and running towards my Savior, those chains are dirty and rusty and don’t look good with the beautiful princess dress God has for his daughter!


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