Psalm 109:31 For he stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save his life from those who condemn him.
Do me a favor, and close your eyes for a second. Envision yourself as the needy one. You are on your knees, perhaps sobbing a bit, hands held towards the sky. And there is Christ, standing there, perhaps holding your right hand, while he gently pushes back those who would condemn you with his other hand. And he says to you, I am here, I am here with you, they may condemn you, but I never will, all beautiful to me you are my darling.
I am the needy one, all to often, I am the needy one. But thank you Jesus, he came for all of us needy ones, to SAVE us. Whatever the pain, whatever the circumstances, you can rest in knowing that he is right by your side, in every single bit of your neediness, he is there. He is all you need. It is finished, and he has saved us from all condemnation and shame. There is no room for shame once you become his beloved daughter. All shame is wiped from your face, you are beautiful, and radient, refined by his fire, and never, ever alone.
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