Thursday, July 1, 2010

Be still......

Be still and KNOW that I am God. So He commands us. Do not REFUSE to calm yourself in the presence of Almighty God; do not REFUSE to trust what you KNOW!!! I know this to be true, that he is God, the almighty unconditionally loving God that only wants the best for me, I KNOW this to be true, yet my heart still rebels. Why do we so often refuse to be calm in the presence of God, to be something as simple as still? Can it be this difficult?

I often find that if I am honest with myself, I do not trust him to do the best for me, I trust myself. I find myself refusing to believe that he will take care of things, refusing to believe that he will take care of me. I think I must be strong, and fool myself into the lie that I can do it all on my own, that I must do it all on my own. Me me me me me me me me me. You see, when we really look at our refusal to be still it might come back to our own selfish nature. When we are so consumed with worrying about things and making sure we take care of ourselves, we can often be totally blinded to the needs of others.

When we are able to put others first, it is a little easier to be still. Not the kind of still that is inactive, God is not after our passivity, but the kind of still that allows us to know that he will take care of things. The kind of still that allows us to open our eyes to what He can do.

Being still we might learn how to truly love, and by and through that, might learn how to be loved – rather than perform. Love is not a performance; it is a selfless act of unrelenting mercy and grace. I am not putting on a show for them, and they are not putting on a show for me. 1 Corinthians type of love, selfless love. Love that does not refuse to calm itself, because it KNOWS, because it TRUSTS. When we allow ourselves to rest in him, to know that he is God, we are free to love for so many reasons. We don’t have to receive anything back, we don’t have to show off, we don’t have to prove our worth, because we are secure in the best love relationship that ever was and ever will be with our Father. Let your heart be still, and rest in His love, love someone else, and let yourself be loved.


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