Friday, June 11, 2010

Heart's Desire

What is the desire of your heart? I went to a Beth Moore event on this last year, and it was brought fresh to my mind today as I read Psalms 20:4 “May he grant your heart’s desire and make all you plans succeed.”

Reading this was like a breath of fresh air for me. My heart desires so many things, but more than anything I desire to do something significant with my life. It is both a blessing and a curse that I have this insatiable need to achieve that never seems to be squelched. I say it is a blessing because God continues to mold that need to achieve into what he has planned for me, not what I would have for myself. I seem to have a drive that just won’t quite until everyone knows how amazingly awesome a passionate relationship with their Savior can be. However, this drive can also be a curse because it can never happen fast enough for me! I wanted to publish a book, have an active counseling practice, and a wellness center filled with amazing spiritual people that offers yoga, counseling, massage, and spiritual guidance – and I wanted it all YESTERDAY!!!! It just seems to never come quick enough for me.

However, I do know that if Christ places a desire in my heart, he will fulfill. If he gave me a passion to reach out to others in this way, he will make it happen one way or another, so long as my own pride and sin doesn’t get in the way. It may not look exactly like the picture that I have in my head, but he knows exactly the purpose he has for each and every one of us.

So I guess what I want to say, is don’t give up on the desire of your heart. Pray daily that he will align your hearts desires with his purpose for you so that you will be able to live with a holy passion that burns for Him and His purpose. I know that he has and continues to tweak and bend my hearts desires as I pray this prayer so that I am more aligned with what He has for me rather than what I want simply for myself.

And of course there are times we will desire things that may not be in the will of God, like a mansion and a red convertible, lololol. After all, the heart is deceitful above all else. However, when we earnestly seek to align our heart with his, our hearts desire will quickly become Him. We never spend a second in God’s word, or in prayer that is wasted. If you seek the will of God with all your heart, soul, and mind – If you are willing to give him yourself, all of you – He will use you my dear, in ways a billion times greater that the things you have imagined.


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